Saturday, September 09, 2006


I bring this up because these people are brainwashing the youth of America & teaching them not to vote. my main fuscous is on the appallingly repulsive group whom call there idiot cabal "Anti-Neocons". their asinine beliefs include but are not limited to "the government planned 9/11", "the Holocaust was really Russia's fault (& not Germany)", & "Jews are Satan worshipers". groups like this take advantage of the many idiot cowards left shaking after 9/11. but worst still, they waist political interest, teaching rhetoric to kids instead of actually promoting some belief or trying to even be political, instead they take Hippie-Fascist bullshit to the next level of mediocrity. this proves once & for all, that college can be a bad thing for certain people because it makes winy little bastards who want attention & and need a way to look down on people & feel important a way to disguise their idiocy.


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