Friday, October 27, 2006

Michael Moore

Like Michael Moore? watch these:

Ends justify the means*

6 degrees of Moore

a few false admitions
Don't speak for us

More Moore*

Lets Protest*

*(removed by youtube)

GM Foods

Genetically Modified Foods are very, very good. but the biggest problem is that to many cowards are afraid of them. kind of like how dogs are afraid of load noises. listen very carefully to what i say:
1st, they can't alter you because, much like every other food we eat, they protean's & DNA of the GM foods gets broken down. so unless your injecting your self with GM carrot juice, it can't alter you!

2nd, it did not cause childhood obesity, what causes that is the lack of exorcise & the fact that kids spend all day in front of a TV.

3rd,it can't cause diseases. Diseases are caused by anomalous DNA strands that disrupt human genome sequences. also, we have been modifying plants ever since agriculture was invented. what do you call eugenics?

By the way, you all have eaten GM foods, all foods have been altered by man over the years & none of the alterations where natural!

Finally, watch this, its Penn & Teller's take on GM foods!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Global Warming: Its not Manbearpig any more!

Global warming, constantly being mocked by people who take shock value over helpful information. people like reporter John Stossel, as well as Matt Stone & Trey Parker, the creators of south park. However, the most obvious evidence comes from these two news reports...try to deny that.

News Science

New York Times

Monday, October 09, 2006


The very popular source of information, Wikipedia, is a online encyclopedia. They are one of the largest online encyclopedias largely due to the fact that, unlike other information sites that have more common sense, any one can edit Wikipedia. That's right, any one cane edit their site with out having to even register. Wikipedia claims that they are safe & reliable, but we all know better.

Here are their problems & how they claim to address them:
Vandalism - They say they block repeat vandal's IPs; Truth, an IP can be changed in the computer setting, & some Internet provider assign new IPs when ever some one logs on. Also, other providers have multiple people per IP, so innocent user's also get punished.

Misinformation - Many users say they have strict policies on who can edit & what articles can be submitted; Truth, Any one can edit Wikipedia just so happens to be one of their slogans. Also, many invalidated claims are made into articles, with false references. They go unchecked, need proof of that, make one up, post it, & see how long before they take it down.

Reliable - Users say it is a reliable source of information; Truth, they very fact that they have vandals is all the testimony against reliable. Articles change day by day, sometimes for the better, but just as much for the worst. Reliability goes by a user by user basis.

So, the next time you Wiki an article, don't believe everything you read.