Thursday, May 10, 2007

TV Nation

Television is the on item guaranteed to be in 9 out of ten houses. Most countries have more TVs then phones per house hold. And even as we spend away our lives, basking in its radiation, some of us have started to awake, and finally grasp that TV is not a substitute for reality, are sliding backwards into oblivion.


...they don't want TV to have naughty language, that's how. Many idiots and mental defects, by which i mean, Radical Christians want to censor TV. They blame TV for causing violent behavior in children, which it does, but instead of simply not letting their kids watch & worship the TV, they just want all the 'Programing' to be more Christian friendly.This means that your favorite shows can no longer display the fallowing; Sex, violence towards whites, gays and anything homosexual, curse words, non-whites, non-Christians, and progressive thought.

Even though they are the ones who let they kids grow up in front of the boob tube, they still want to have their cake and censor it to. Here's a novel idea! If you don't want your kids to be screwed up for life, don't sit then in front of the electronic babysitter. If you don't want them to be obese, send outside to play and don't park them in front of the TV night & day! If you don't want them to know about things like poor grammar, violence, & sex, then raise your own kids!



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