Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gender Issues

A short wile ago, 20/20 aired a special on the defenses between men and women, however you must keep in mind that they also deny global warming in a attempt to gain publicity, as you read on. They talked about how men and women view things deferent, how men and women talk deferent. They continued along this line of thought but it was one section of the episode that over reached the thin line between making inaccurate statements and purposely distorting the truth for ratings.

In this segment, they showed the work of a, at best, unstable man hating lesbian. The women was conducting a unoriginal experiment, in which she dressed as a man, parting in "Man Only activities". The entire segment was a collection of anecdotal statements that were more along the lines of "Captain Perry dealing with feudal Japan" then "Women understanding man". Most of these were snide comments much like a explorer taking notes on a primitive tribe.

The entire episode did little to educate but more to draw attention to the defenses, which they did little to explain, but more to exploited and over emphasize. This episode seemed more aimed at ratings then understanding, not understanding the consequences of such a action. That perhaps people might misinterpret this entire episode into an subvert message of "One Gender over the other".

But they aren't the only conservatives that aren't afraid to exploit people and spread misnomers for ratings, or in this case, laughs. South Park had a episode, "Mr. Garrison's Fancy new vagina", in which Mr. Garrison undergoes a sex change, and thusly offends his lover, Mr. Slave who states that he did so with no concern for others who cared for him. Also, Kyle gets a "Negroplasty", becoming Black, and his father gets a "Dolphinoplasty", becoming a dolphin. The "Live Action" footage during Mr. Garrison's sex change operation are actually that of an animal being neutered. The moral message, which each episode of south park ends with, is that "Sex change surgery is ridicules and only done by latently gay men who do not want to be gay".

However, it is not, SRS (Sex reassignment surgery) as nothing to do with gender preference. It has to do with physical comfort. The moral implications that South Park episode was not just comedic but actual affected many people, how now view SRS as unnecessary. But people who wish to undergo SRS are not latently gay, nor are they just going about it willy nilly. It takes many years of Hormone therapy, psychological evaluation, and money to go threw with SRS. Many people don't come out to their families, fearing the obvious hostility and reticule that follow their choice. People with gender issues are extremely uncomfortable as their berth gender, and with out treatment often suffer sever depression and even commit suicide.

Making light of people who are have Gender issues is no more respectable then saying "Gay people chose to be gay" or "Asian people chose to be Asian".

The point is that sacrificing integrity for ratings and projecting morality when doing farcical comedy puts people and ideals in danger. Far to many people believe what ever the TV tells them, an when small things like this slip, its only a matter of time until it gets worse.

Please examine the following links for more information on gender confusion and SRS:


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