Monday, January 07, 2008

Unit 731

Of the many atrocities of world War Two, it is hard to say that one group of heinous acts is far more inhumane then another, but what is truly disturbing is the lack of punishment for such atrocities. Unit 731 of the Japanese armed forces is not only guilty of such war crimes but also was resolved of responsibility by the United States Government.

The story of Unit 731 is not one that you would hear if you inquired about the dark side of WW2. It is part of a host of ill kept secrets about the Japanese Holocaust which have recently been denied by the Japanese government. In order to understand the severity of this ill kept secret, you must first have some idea about the extent of the Japanese Holocaust and the ideology that fueled it.

According to the Shinto propaganda being dispersed by the Japanese militarist government, the Japanese people are superior to all other races which are “inhuman” by comparison. This gave the already blood thirsty warrior mentality a right to kill innocent people. Unit 731 is the sum of this mentality in action. Mass extermination programs which dropped plague infected insects on small towns all threw China, among other equally cruel ploys, were nothing but small projects devised by the unit compared to their human experimentation, which was the body of their purpose. Vivisection preformed without anesthesia, exposing live people to extreme conditions to see what the body could endure, this was the core of unit 731; human experimentation.

Unlike their Nazi counter parts, members of unit 731 were given amnesty. Most were not charged at the end of the war. Much like most of the Japanese army, they were spared trial with few exceptions. But the injustice continues; now Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe denies these crimes as well all crimes committed by the Japanese army during WW2. There is no mention of these crimes in Japanese History School books, no shrines dedicated to the victims, no sign of remorse. All throughout Japanese culture is the feeling that they are not responsible and have no guilt in the matter.

In Japanese Anime, there are many references to the Japanese military in WW2 and depict them selves as being the innocent victim. These messages are not lost the youth of Japan. This is a generation whom believe that the army committed no wrong. Have no remorse. View them selves as victims.

This is why I am calling on the American people to Boycott Japanese goods and services until the Japanese Government completely assumes responsibility and admits to their crimes. Though you may find this extreme, there is no other way to get the message threw to their bureaucrats. If you believe this to be an extreme action or are simply to lazy to take action, the do a search for images with the caption “unit 731” or “Japanese war crimes” and see for your self.
