Thursday, September 14, 2006

I love you cow

PETA, the People for Entering Terrorism Activities, or People for Extortion Terrorism & Abuse, are the people who claim they want animal treated properly....they also want to stop people from eating meat, owning pets, or showing animals for anything. but don't take my word for it, watch these videos.


PETA loves terror

South Park on PETA

Cancer Crab

For years we have quested to cure the most tenacious of diseases. Cancer, but in recent years a break threw has been made, one so obvious yet under our noses. The hours shoe crab has a rare blue blood, one that is extremely toxic. it can disrupt the chemicals that trigger cell regeneration. so if used on a cancerous growth, it would stop cancer, & all the other cells in that area, in their tracks. so, is this double edged sword worth perusing?

Nuclear Power...a Health Must!

The nuclear stigma is not with out good cause, cancer is a very dangerous thing to get and we know no better way to get it other then to get radiated. BUT in small douses it can be good. how, very simple; radiation destroys cells, but in small amounts it destroys more viruses & infection then human cells plus human cell regenerate faster then the infection. so, in very small amounts, radiation can be a good thing. just don't take a bath in the reactor.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I bring this up because these people are brainwashing the youth of America & teaching them not to vote. my main fuscous is on the appallingly repulsive group whom call there idiot cabal "Anti-Neocons". their asinine beliefs include but are not limited to "the government planned 9/11", "the Holocaust was really Russia's fault (& not Germany)", & "Jews are Satan worshipers". groups like this take advantage of the many idiot cowards left shaking after 9/11. but worst still, they waist political interest, teaching rhetoric to kids instead of actually promoting some belief or trying to even be political, instead they take Hippie-Fascist bullshit to the next level of mediocrity. this proves once & for all, that college can be a bad thing for certain people because it makes winy little bastards who want attention & and need a way to look down on people & feel important a way to disguise their idiocy.